Update a prediction. To find the prediction ID, use List predictions.
For information about the prediction format, see the JSON format reference in the Label Studio documentation.
Prediction ID
Task ID for which the prediction is created
Prediction result in JSON format. Read more about the format in the Label Studio documentation.
Prediction score. Can be used in Data Manager to sort task by model confidence. Task with the lowest score will be shown first.
Model version - tag for predictions that can be used to filter tasks in Data Manager, as well as select specific model version for showing preannotations in the labeling interface
Updated prediction
List of prediction results for the task
Model version - tag for predictions that can be used to filter tasks in Data Manager, as well as select specific model version for showing preannotations in the labeling interface
Delta time from creation time
Prediction score
Cluster for the current prediction
Array of task IDs of the closest neighbors
Related task mislabeling score
An ML Backend instance that created the prediction.
A run of a ModelVersion that created the prediction.