Get task data, metadata, annotations and other attributes for a specific labeling task by task ID. The task ID is available from the Label Studio URL when viewing the task, or you can retrieve it programmatically with Get task list.
Task ID
User imported or uploaded data for a task. Data is formatted according to the project label config. You can find examples of data for your project on the Import page in the Label Studio Data Manager UI.
Predictions for this task
Drafts for this task
Annotators who annotated this task
User IDs who updated this task
Meta is user imported (uploaded) data and can be useful as input for an ML Backend for embeddings, advanced vectors, and other info. It is passed to ML during training/predicting steps.
Time a task was created
Last time a task was updated
True if the number of annotations for this task is greater than or equal to the number of maximum_completions for the project
Number of distinct annotators that processed the current task
Number of comments in the task including all annotations
Number of unresolved comments in the task including all annotations
When the last comment was updated
Project ID for this task