Get a list of all predictions. You can optionally filter these by task or by project. If you want to filter, you will need the project ID and/or task ID. Both of these can be found in the Label Studio URL when viewing a task, or you can use List all projects and Get tasks list.
Predictions can be imported directly into Label Studio or generated by a connected ML backend.
To import predictions via the API, see Create prediction.
Filter predictions by task ID
Filter predictions by project ID
Predictions list
List of prediction results for the task
Model version - tag for predictions that can be used to filter tasks in Data Manager, as well as select specific model version for showing preannotations in the labeling interface
Delta time from creation time
Prediction score
Cluster for the current prediction
Array of task IDs of the closest neighbors
Related task mislabeling score
An ML Backend instance that created the prediction.
A run of a ModelVersion that created the prediction.