Retrieve information about a specific project by project ID. The project ID can be found in the URL when viewing the project in Label Studio, or you can retrieve all project IDs using List all projects.
A unique integer value identifying this project.
Project information
Project name. Must be between 3 and 50 characters long.
Project description
Label config in XML format. See more about it in documentation
Labeling instructions in HTML format
Show instructions to the annotator before they start
Allow annotators to submit empty annotations
Show annotation history to annotator
Maximum number of annotations for one task. If the number of annotations per task is equal or greater to this value, the task is completed (is_labeled=True)
Whether or not the project is published to annotators
Machine learning model version
Whether or not the project is in the middle of being created
Project owner
Minimum number of completed tasks after which model training is started
Start model training after any annotations are submitted or updated
If set, the annotator can view model predictions
Tasks with annotations count
Total task number in project
Useful annotation number in project not including skipped_annotations_number and ground_truth_number. Total annotations = annotation_number + skipped_annotations_number + ground_truth_number
Honeypot annotation number in project
Skipped by collaborators annotation number in project
Total annotations number in project including skipped_annotations_number and ground_truth_number.
Total predictions number in project including skipped_annotations_number, ground_truth_number, and useful_annotation_number.
Task data credentials: login
Task data credentials: password
JSON-formatted labeling configuration
Retrieve and display predictions when loading a task
Reveal pre-annotations interactively
Pinned date and time
Finished tasks