Tasks can have multiple annotations. Use this call to retrieve a specific annotation using its ID.
You can find the ID in the Label Studio UI listed at the top of the annotation in its tab. It is also listed in the History panel when viewing the annotation. Or you can use Get all task annotations to find all annotation IDs.
A unique integer value identifying this annotation.
Retrieved annotation
List of annotation results for the task
Username string
Time delta from creation time
User skipped the task
This annotation is a Ground Truth (ground_truth)
Creation time
Last updated time
Draft creation time
How much time it took to annotate the task
Original annotation ID that was at the import step or NULL if this annotation wasn’t imported
Action which was performed in the last annotation history item
Corresponding task for this annotation
Project ID for this annotation
Last user who updated this annotation
Points to the prediction from which this annotation was created
Points to the parent annotation from which this annotation was created
User who created the last annotation history item