Getting started

You can use the Label Studio Python SDK to make annotating data a more integrated part of your data science and machine learning pipelines. This software development kit (SDK) lets you call the Label Studio API directly from scripts using predefined classes and methods.

With the Label Studio Python SDK, you can perform the following tasks in a Python script:

For additional guidance on using our SDK, see 5 Tips and Tricks for Label Studio’s API and SDK


Install the Label Studio SDK using pip:

pip install label-studio-sdk


poetry add label-studio-sdk


In your Python script, do the following:

  • Import the SDK.
  • Define your API key and Label Studio URL (API key is available at Account page).
  • Connect to the API.
1# Define the URL where Label Studio is accessible and the API key for your user account
2LABEL_STUDIO_URL = 'http://localhost:8080'
3# API key is available at the Account & Settings > Access Tokens page in Label Studio UI
4API_KEY = 'd6f8a2622d39e9d89ff0dfef1a80ad877f4ee9e3'
6# Import the SDK and the client module
7from label_studio_sdk.client import LabelStudio
9# Connect to the Label Studio API and check the connection
10ls = LabelStudio(base_url=LABEL_STUDIO_URL, api_key=API_KEY)

Create a Project

After you connect to the Label Studio API, you can create a project in Label Studio using the SDK. Specify the project title and the labeling configuration. Choose your labeling configuration based on the type of labeling that you wish to perform. See the available templates for Label Studio projects, or set a blank configuration with <View></View>.

For example, create a text classification project in your Python code:

1from label_studio_sdk.label_interface import LabelInterface
2from label_studio_sdk.label_interface.create import choices
4# Define labeling interface
5label_config = LabelInterface.create({
6 'text': 'Text',
7 'label': choices(['Positive', 'Negative'])
10# Create a project with the specified title and labeling configuration
11project = ls.projects.create(
12 title='Text Classification',
13 label_config=label_config

label_config is XML string that represents the labeling interface with object and control tags.

For more about what you can do with the project module of the SDK, see the project module SDK reference.

Import Tasks

You can import tasks from your script using the Label Studio Python SDK client.

For a specific project created, you can import tasks in Label Studio JSON format or connect to cloud storage providers and import image, audio, or video files directly.

Add Model Predictions

You can add predictions to existing tasks in Label Studio in your Python script.

For an existing simple image classification project, you can do the following to add predictions of “Dog” for image tasks that you retrieve:

1from label_studio_sdk.label_interface import LabelInterface
2from label_studio_sdk.label_interface.objects import PredictionValue
4project = ls.projects.get(id=123)
6# LabelInterface provides a handy way to validate Label Studio JSON format for annotations and predictions
7li = project.get_label_interface()
9tasks = ls.tasks.list(, include='id')
10for task in tasks:
11 # create predicted label per task, using `label` control tag name
12 predicted_label = li.get_control('label').label(choices=['Positive'])
13 prediction = PredictionValue(
14 model_version='my-super-ai',
15 score=0.99,
16 result=[predicted_label]
17 )
18 ls.predictions.create(, **prediction.model_dump())

For another example, see the Jupyter notebook example of importing pre-annotated data.

Managing Labeling Jobs

You can also use the SDK to control how tasks appear in the data manager to annotators or reviewers. You can create custom filters and ordering for the tasks based on parameters that you specify with the SDK. This lets you have more granular control over which tasks in your dataset get labeled or reviewed, and in which order.

Create a batch of tasks to annotate

For example, you can create a filter to prepare tasks to be annotated. For example, if you want annotators to focus on tasks in the first 1000 tasks in a dataset that contain the word “possum” in the field “text” in the task data, do the following:

1from label_studio_sdk.data_manager import Filters, Column, Type, Operator
3filters = Filters.create(Filters.AND, [
4 Filters.item(
7 Type.Number,
8 Filters.value(1)
9 ),
10 Filters.item(
12 Operator.LESS_OR_EQUAL,
13 Type.Number,
14 Filters.value(1000)
15 ),
16 Filters.item(
18 Operator.CONTAINS,
19 Type.String,
20 Filters.value("Hello")
21 )

Most often it is very useful to create a view with annotated tasks to review:

1from label_studio_sdk.data_manager import Filters, Column, Type, Operator
3filters = Filters.create(Filters.AND, [
4 Filters.item(
5 Column.completed_at,
6 Operator.EMPTY,
7 Type.Boolean,
8 Filters.value(False)
9 )

To create a filtered tasks view, use the following code:

1view = ls.views.create(
3 data={
4 'title': 'Tasks Sample',
5 'filters': filters
6 }
8tab = ls.views.get(

If will be displayed in the data manager as tab with Tasks Sample name.

Export Annotations

Run the following code to export annotations from project’s tab you created in the previous step:

1tasks = ls.tasks.list(, fields='all')
2for task in tasks:
3 # You can access annotations in Label Studio JSON format
4 print(task.annotations)
5 # And also annotation drafts and predictions
6 print(task.predictions)
7 print(task.drafts)

Read more about export formats in the Label Studio SDK documentation.

SDK versions and compatibility

In June 2024, we released SDK 1.0. The previous SDK (version < 1) is deprecated and no longer supported. We recommend upgrading to the latest version.

If you still want to use the older version, you can install it using pip install "label-studio-sdk<1".

You can also check out an older branch version in the GitHub repository:

1git clone
2cd label-studio-sdk
3git fetch origin
4git checkout release/0.0.34

Or you can simply modify you code to change the import stream as follows:

1from label_studio_sdk import Client
2from label_studio_sdk.data_manager import Filters, Column, Operator, Type
3from label_studio_sdk._legacy import Project

If you’re looking for the documentation for the older version, you can find it here.


Handling Errors

If you encounter an error while using the Label Studio Python SDK, you can catch the error and handle it in your script.

1from label_studio_sdk.core.api_error import ApiError
4 for annotated_task in annotated_tasks:
5 print(annotated_task.annotations)
6except ApiError as e:
7 print(e)

Annotations are exported in the format specified in the Label Studio JSON format.


By default, requests time out after 60 seconds. You can configure this with a timeout option at the client or request level.

1from label_studio_sdk.client import LabelStudio
3ls = LabelStudio(
4 # All timeouts set to 20 seconds
5 timeout=20.0
8ls.projects.create(..., {
9 # Override timeout for a specific method
10 timeout=20.0

Custom HTTP client

You can override the httpx client to customize it for your use-case. Some common use-cases include support for proxies and transports.

1import httpx
3from label_studio_sdk.client import LabelStudio
5ls = LabelStudio(
6 http_client=httpx.Client(
7 proxies="",
8 transport=httpx.HTTPTransport(local_address=""),
9 ),